Within every woman is a deep knowledge, an intuition, a core understanding; information is past through generations of mothers to their daughter, womb to womb. The connection to this inner knowledge has been forgotten. In western society we embrace the masculine energy: the logistical, stubborn, focused energy, rooted in confidence and efficiency. However, as beings of energy we all carry both, masculine and feminine.
Ostara, or the Spring Equinox, is a time to find balance. It is a time of fertility, growth, and nurturing. Take this month to nurture your inner wisdom, your feminine energy - for men, women or non-binary. Embrace the delicate balance, allowing time to be mindful of the gifts each energy brings to us.
If you are looking for a way to build this energy or connect with your divine feminine we have several practitioners here to help! Karin Monkman offers Womb Coaching, and fertility & abdominal reproductive health massage. Theta healing with Sheri Anderson or Dee Hamilton is a beautiful way to unblock and reconnect our energetic patterns.

Ostara Sabbat Rituals
Ostara, often known as the Spring Equinox, is almost upon us. It is a time of perfect balance as the days and nights match in length. It is an indicator that the seasons of light and warmth are returning. Much like bunnies during this time of year, things start to move more quickly and energy is abundant. It is a good time to plant seeds both physically and figuratively in your life.
Check out some more ways you can celebrate this sabbat below: (Credit: https://www.learnreligions.com/)

Create an Ostara Altar
Use Spring colours (pastels)
Fresh flowers
Symbols of balance like yin & yang or light & dark
Planting Ritual
Choose herbs and plants that represent Springtime
Create an intention for each seed (A statement to reflect what you'd like to manifest in your life)
Visualize and hold your intention as you plant them

Guided or movement based
Reflect on the changing of seasons
Turn inward
Egg Decorating
Add sigils and Magick symbols to your eggs and place them on your Altar to bring in Spring energy
However you decide to celebrate the upcoming season, I hope it is filled with renewed hope and growth.
Lots of love,
Healing Connections is proud to partner with
Mexica Medicine to bring authentic Jewellery and Medicine into our clinic!

Denisse is a Mexica Indigenous Curandera (healer). She was born in Mexico, and now reside in Canada. Her vision is to help women reclaim their ancestral power. The power that runs through your blood, and is waiting to be unleashed!
Click on the image to connect with Denisse, and help you find the magick within.
When women heal, the earth heals.
